Siege Perilous 1 – Rogue & Ms. Marvel

My era of X-men, when I started collecting, was the X-men in the Outback/Siege Perilous, Silvestri era. The Siege Perilous was a magic artifact entrusted to the X-men that, when passed through would judge the traveller and find themselves a changed person on the other side.

We’re about a week into quarantine here in California and, much like the Siege Perilous we’ve entered a crucible and we’re all collectively wondering who we will be on the other side. For the X-Men, some surprisingly significant changes came about, probably most notably Psylocke who entered the Siege Perilous as Captain Britain’s very English sister, Betsy Braddock and came out the other side the ninja Lady Mandarin.

Drawing super heroes is something I’ve been doing my whole life, since I was eight or nine and I read my first comic. They have been my escape from the world and my way of holding the world at bay, I’m hard at work on issue 7 of GUN but with everything going on in the world I thought I might take some time and do the thing that soothes my mind the most. The Siege Perilous’ first casualty was Rogue who emerged separated from the captive personality of Ms. Marvel. That seemed like a decent enough place for me to start.
